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At its core Power Lab is a boutique design and manufacturing resource that creates  aquariums with their required technical equipment and products for aftercare .Our clients include someone planning to set up their first aquarium or someone wanting to migrate from a basic aquarium to an affordable professional option and this is what makes Power Lab largely unique , it's ability to operate complex aquatic eco-systems ,   simultaneously supplying useable insights into operating systems yet remaining price sensitive . We supply directly to the public in areas where we do not have official distributors . Trade enquiries are welcome as our vision includes seeing fifty four retail outlets globaly.


Our current intention  is to create international recognition around our brand and the products that we manufacture and have us and the products become well loved and respected . Our mission is to " Take one step at a time " and our purpose is  " to work towards the preservation of natural coral reefs , through the design , manufacture and implementation of successful captive coral reef aquariums " .


Power Lab therefore is clear on its objective to create a lifestyle - sub culture following around the brand and all those along the supply chain can be directly connected to this , not only via interactive technical support platforms and social media but structured programs including our Love•Cyborg social events and the development of the Power Lab School of Creative Design and Engineering as the recognized and structured arm of our social outreach program . By the end of 2018 we plan to launch our Coral•Cyborg•Project which will usher in a new era for the handling and trade of live coral , radically reducing purchase and shipping  costs .


About our aquariums

Power Lab aquariums are complete systems , meaning no additional equipment or components are required , other than maintenance materials and consumables like foods and test kits , more so it means that every single element of the design  has been developed in relation to the next , there are no foreign parts that can negatively influence the system as a whole . This gives our aquarium ranges an unfair advantage over similar  , competing brands .


Aquarium packages suit the requirements and budget of most aquarist . Fresh water systems can be specked either as Base Line or Advanced Line Systems and can be configured to Planted , Lake  Malawi or Community  biotopes . Marine and Reef Aquarium Systems  are offered as  Base Line (  in tank filtration  ) and  Reef Line ( external sump ) packages .


The M-Process is a comprehensive guide that covers all areas of reef aquarium keeping and describes process flows for upgrades which allow for more advanced eco systems building  . This leaves end users with a 3 year installation , maintenance and after care program. The M-Process Mini is the ideal tool for aquarist only wanting to engage the hobby on a basic level and sets up a direct communication link between manufacturer and end user . With our Live•Contact service end users are able to send in aquarium images and test results and have access to a technician for trouble shooting , general discussions and future planning .







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